Nevermind the Trite
"Uncle Mike"
A well scripted mini-drama capturing some of the most essential components of human compassion. Most touching, sir. The wonderful companion piece only adds to the flavor in the story's course, ending with the empty smile of your protagonist. This is a fool's tale, simple, yet well meaning. Your protagonist, the fool, portrays the inept niavete and still, heartfelt reaction to another's suffering. He acts to ease the troubles of the vagrant, not comprehending the store owner's anger nor the bum's confusion. To him he helped bring cheer into someone's life through the beautiful gift of a flower. He is childlike, innocent of wordly needs and without understanding them, enacts a touching gesture few would think of today. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. While some may call for violence, not everything must be for jest. Something deep and beautiful sleeps, we ignore it because sentimentality (for that is the best word to describe it)is just not something we cherish any more. Hats off to you, 5's in your pocket...and a flower from your lapel.